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What's new in the ISTQB® Test Automation modules?
On June 12th, 2024, ISTQB® released two new test automation syllabi: Test Automation Engineering v2.0 (TAE) and Test Automation Strategy v1.0 (TAS). These two replace and significantly extend the existing Test Automation Engineer syllabus v1.0, released in 2016.
Oznámení o konání Valné hromady
What's new in the ISTQB CTAL Test Management module
On May 30, 2024, ISTQB released a new syllabus for the Test Management module in version 3.0. In addition to significantly revised content, the minimum time allowance for accredited training and the time limit for the certification exam (of course, with a reduction in the number of questions) have been reduced.
CTFL in Slovak language for Beta review
After releasing the Certified Level Foundation Level syllabus in English on May 9th 2023, the Czech and Slovak Quality board (Casqb) released CTFL in Czech in the autumn of 2023. Finally, we are releasing CTFL in the Slovak language.
ISTQB® CTFL v4.0 Syllabus - An Exciting Milestone in Software Testing
The ISTQB® Foundation Level Syllabus 4.0 was launched on May 9th, becoming the anticipated new global standard in software testing. As the new syllabus marks an exciting milestone in the field, we are delighted to present the key changes and advancements it brings.
Poskytování certifikačních zkoušek na Slovensku
Nový modul Umělá Inteligence přidaný do portfolia
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