On-Site ISTQB® Certification Exam
Exam address: Krakovská 583/9, Prague 1 – Nové Město 110 00.
Czechitas z.ú., Frontend room, on the mezzanine level (press M in the elevator).
Please be on time for the exam. If you arrive late, you may not be allowed to write the test. All candidates are asked to withdraw from the exam in case of symptoms of any respiratory disease.
Some of the modules in the ISTQB® Certification Schema has hard prerequisites:
- Foundation Level (CTFL) certificate is required to take an exam from any other ISTQB® module.
- Candidates applying for Expert level certification are required to fulfil several criteria available on istqb.org.
Recommendations for successfully passing the exam are:
- Have ~1 year of practical experience for Foundation Level modules and ~3 years of experience for Advanced Level modules.
- Understand the topic described in the official Syllabus for the desired module available in Downloads section or on istqb.org.
- Get familiar with the specific terms (keywords) in the desired module. ISTQB® Glossary is available for you in various languages for this purpose.
- Use the literature mentioned in the syllabus to get more details on the theory or application of specific concepts mentioned in the Syllabus.
- Check the Exam Structure and Rules for the desired module to get familiar with the content of the exam.
- Check exam questions categorization known as K-Levels.
- Take the Sample Exam available for every module to dry test your knowledge. ATTENTION: Successful completion of the Sample Exam is in no way a guarantee for successful completion of the Certification Exam.
Take the accredited training offered by partners being accredited by CaSQB for specified modules. This is highly recommended especially for Advanced Level certifications.
Exam application
Email order
- Sign up for the exam using the form on this page where you fill in:
- Date of birth
- The required module from which you want to take an exam
- In the case of the CTFL exam, add the language in which you want to take the exam
- For advanced module exams, add the CTFL certificate number
- Billing information: Full name and address. In the case of a company, also CIN, VAT number and company name.
- If you have a voucher and want to use it, add the voucher number
- Your application will be confirmed by email, later, you will receive an invoice to be paid.
- After trhe exam, you will receive the results and certificate.
This procedure applies also to candidates repeating the exam. There is no strict delay between the exam attempts
Exam cancellation
In case of withdrawal from the exam (cancellation, do not attend the exam, or change of the exam date), we reserve the right to charge the following fees:
- FREE more than 7 days before the exam
- 40 EUR / 1000 CZK service fee 7 or less days before the exam
Information about exam cancellation must be sent by email to exams@casqb.org
The fee covers the costs associated with the preparation of the exam, which arise even if the candidate does not participate. We will not claim the fee in cases where the candidate has objective reasons that prevent him from participating in the exam.
Certification authority

Czech and Slovak Quality Board
Certification authority for the Czech Republic and Slovakia, ISTQB® Member Board.
Date and time
16.04.2025 13:30
Prague - Czechitas
Krakovská 583/9,
110 00 Praha 1-Nové Město
Open map
Exam type
Open exams (on-site)
Foundation, Advanced, Specialist, Expert